Biology Form Two Question Paper
Biology Form Two
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2011
FORM TWO 2011.
1. The scientific name of man is Homo Sapiens.
a. Identify two errors that have been made by writing this name. (2mks)
b. Write the scientific name correctly following the scientific rule. (1mk)
2. State the functions of the following cell organelles. (3mks)
i. Ribosomes
ii. Lysosomes
iii. Mitochondria
3. Briefly explain the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata. (5mks)
4. Give three adaptations of the gill filaments to its functions. (3mks)
5. Distinguish between haemolysis and plasmolysis. (2mks)
6. State functions of each of the following parts of a light microscope. (3mks)
a. The condensor.
b. The stage
c. The objective lens
7. Draw a well labelled diagram of the mitochondria. (4mks)
8. State two ways by which a baby may acquire immunity. (2mks)
9. Name two proteins in the blood that are responsible to determine the blood group of a person. (2mks)
a. State three structural differences between arteries and veins. (3mks)
b. Explain why blood rarely clots inside blood vessels. (1mk)
11. Other than stomata, name two other sites for gaseous exchange in plants. (2mks)
12. What part of the body is affected by the virus that causes poliomyelitis. (1mk)
13. State two ways in which floating leaves of aquatic plants are adapted to gaseous exchange. (2mks)
14. Why is enzyme pepsin secreted in an inactive form (precursor). (1mk)
a. What prevents blood in veins from flowing backwards? (1mk)
b. State two ways in which the red blood cells are adapted to their function. (2mks)
16. State two ways in which guard cells are adapted to their function. (2mks)
17. State one vitamin and one ion that is required in blood clotting process. (1mk)
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