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Business Form 2 Question Paper

Business Form 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Business Form 2
Cat 2,2nd Term
Time:2 1/2 hours

Instructions:Answer all the questions in the spaces provided after every question

1.List four components of Business studies

2.state 4 elements that constitute the internal environment of business

3.Highlight 4 challenges faced in the satisfaction of human wants

4.Outline 4 ways in which the utility of a product can be increased

5.Entrepreneurship has becom a very important aspect in kenya.State 4 benefits of entrepreneurship in kenya

6.State any 4 sources of business idea

7.Name the office equipment used to perform the following tasks

a.printing stamp impressions on envelopes

b.cutting paper into require sizes

c.pinning papers together

d.recording,processing,retrieving information

8.Outline 4 benefits that accrue to a business person who uses the latest technology in record keeping

9.The statements below relates to invoice,debit note,catalogue or statement of account.Match the statements to the relevant document.

a. Acts as an additional invoice

b.Show total amount expected from a number of transactions

c.A booklet containing brief description of goods offered for sale

d.Demands for payments

10.Outline 4 factors that a trader who operates a small retail outlet will consider before extending credit to customers

11.List 4 sources of short term finance for business enterprise

12.State the type of partner described in each of the following statements
a.does not take active part in runnin of the businness

b.allow7 his/her name to be used as if he/she is a partner

c.has unlimited liability

d.under eighteen years of age

13.Outline 4 circumstances that can lead to dissolution of limited liability companies

14.Give 4 reasons as to why the government issues a licence before a business is allowed to operate

15.Highlight 4 limitations of comsumer initiated methods of comsumer protection

16.State the unit of carriage for each of the following modes of transport




17.Outline 4 factors that limit the use of containers in transport

18.Highlight 4 circumstances under wich one may use sign in communication

19.State 4 advantages of verbal communication

20.List 4 functions of a warehouse.

21.The description below relate to some type of warehouser.In the space provided,write the type to which each description refers.
a.used to store exports and imports

b.anybody can rent space in it for storing goods temporarily

c.operated for owner's exclusiue use

d.owned and operated by manufacturers and farmers

22.List down 4 different securities traded in at the stock exchange market

23.State 4 measures that should be taken to ensure that office machines are in good working conditions at all times

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