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Geography Form 2 Question Paper

Geography Form 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

1.(a) Define the term earth movement. (1 mk)
(b)What are the TWO types of movement. (2 mks)
2.Identify the causes of earth movements. (4 mks)
3.(a) What is arock. (2 mks)
(b) Identify THREE ways through which sedimentary rocks are formed. (3 mks)
(c)State 3 importance of rocks to mankind. (2 mks)
6.(a) Define Orogenesis. (2 mks)
(b) Differentiate between overfold and isodinal folds (use well labeled diagrams). (4 mks)
(c)Identify the theories that explain the formation of fold mountains. (3 mks)
(d)Give one example of each of the following classification of mountains.(4 mks)
(¡)Chamian orogeny
(¡¡)Caledonian orogeny
(¡¡¡)Heroynian orogeny
(¡v)Alpine orogeny
7.(a)Give three examples of lakes found in the rift valley. (3 mks)
(b)Identify three ways in which rift valleys are formed. (3 mks)
(c)Explain three significance of faulting to human activities. (6 mks)
8.(a) Define the term atmosphere. (2 mks)
(b) State the 4 layers of atmosphere. (4 mks)
(c)State two importance of atmosphere. (2 mks)
(d)Explain two hindrance to weather forecasting in Kenya. (4 mks)

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