Bishop Okoth Ojolla Girls Secondary School Question Paper

Bishop Okoth Ojolla Girls Secondary School 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2012

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1.State the literary styles used in writing the Bible. (5mks)

2.Why should Christians read the Bible daily? (5mks)

3.State five local translations used in Kenya today. (5mks)

4.State five books referred to as apocrypha. (5mks)

5.State five major prophets. (5mks)

6.Outline five teachings derived from Biblical accounts of creation. (5mks)

7.What are the causes of sin from Biblical stories of creation? (5mks)

8.Identify five steps God made to bring salvation to human beings after the fall of man. (5mks)

9.Explain five ways in which the study of CRE has promoted morality in the society. (5mks)

10.State five effects of Bible translation. (5mks)

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