Cre Form Two Question Paper
Cre Form Two
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2010
1. Identify the events that took place on the night of exodus. (9mks)
2. Write five books in the new testament categorized as general epistles. (5mks)
3. How did God fulfill His promises to Abraham. (5mks)
4. What conditions did God expect the Israelites to fulfill with the renewal of the covenant. (5mks)
5. Explain five failures of King Saul. (10mks)
6. What are the functions of the church in modern society. (9mks)
7. List five ways in which king David showed repentance for his sins. (5mks)
8. Give God's instructions on the circumcision of Abraham and his descendants. (4mks)
9. Identify the main characteristics of the local Canaanite religion. (7mks)
10. How was God worshiped in traditional African Society. (6mks)
11. State five similarities and five differences between the first and second creation accounts. (10mks)
12. Explain the factors that contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in traditional African society. (10mks)
13. Why is King David remembered as the greatest king of Israel? (8mks)
14. State the versions of the Bible that are commonly used in churches today. (7mks)
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