Cre Form One Question Paper

Cre Form One 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2009

1. State the attributes of God according to the creation accounts. (10mks)

2. Give any five literary forms that were used to write the Bible. (5mks)

3. Identify five main areas in study of CRE. (5mks)

4. Why is the Bible referred to as a library. (5mks)

5. What were the effects of idolatry in Israel. (8mks)

6. What were the circumstances that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel. (10mks)

7. What lessons are learnt from the contest at Mt. Carmel. (8mks)

8. State lessons learnt from the failures of King Saul. (5mks)

9. Explain the importance of kinship in African traditional community. (10mks)

10. In what ways in man considered as a co-creation with God. (5mks)

11. Identify reasons why Christians use the Bible to worship. (6mks)

12. Identify the incidences where Abraham showed his faith in God. (8mks)

13. Mention the items used in the making of the covenant between God and Abraham. (5mks)

14. Identify any five similarities between the Biblical concept of sin and African view of evil. (5mks)

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