Cre Form One Question Paper

Cre Form One 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Describe God's work of creation in the first account of creation. (6mks)

2. Explain the ten plagues. (10mks)

3. Write six books of minor prophets in the old testament. (6mks)

4. Give five reasons why reading the Bible is important to christians today. (5mks)

5. Identify any five events that took place on the night of the exodus. (5mks)

6. Give the meaning of the first creation account. (7mks)

7. In what ways did King David promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel. (6mks)

8. Narrate Abraham's experience in Mt. Moriah. (5mks)

9. Describe the qualities of a good leader that can be drawn from King David. (10mks)

10. What were the importance of the temple in Israel. (10mks)

11. Give reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility. (6mks)

12. What were the achievements of King Solomon. (8mks)

13. What is the relevance of the ten commandments to Christians today? (10mks)

14. How was the presence of God manifested on the day of making the covenant with the Israelites on Mt. Sinai. (6mks)

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