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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Explain five reasons why government trains people. (10mks)

2. Distinguish between the different types of utilities by defining utility, stating the types, explaining how each type is created and giving an example of each. (15mks)

3. Define specialization. (2mks)

4. Explain the concept of an office. (4mks)

5. Identify and explain the functions of an office. (4mks)

6. List three circumstances under which partnership may be dissolved. (3mks)

7. State four business practices required to create a healthy business environment. (4mks)

8. Give four uses of a warehouse. (4mks)

9. State five characteristics of indirect production. (5mks)

10. Outline the characteristics of economic resources. (2mks)

11. Highlight five functions of wholesalers. (5mks)

12. Define the following resources and give an example of each. (6mks)
i. Natural resource
ii. Human resource
iii. Man-made resource

13. Outline four factors that should be considered in choosing an appropriate medium of promotion. (4mks)

14. State four principles of insurance. (4mks)

15. State four characteristics of human wants. (4mks)

16. Discuss five replies of letter of inquiry. (10mks)

17. Explain two classifications of business environment. (4mks)

18. How can one ensure successful process of planning in an organization. (5mks)

19. Give five advantages of face-to-face communication. (5mks)

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