Cre Form One Question Paper
Cre Form One
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2011
1. Why is it important to study CRE. (7mks)
2. Outline five attributes of Moses during his call. (5mks)
3. Name any five epistles written by Paul to the early churches. (5mks)
4. Explain any ten reasons why Abraham was called by God. (10mks)
5. Why is it important for a christian student to read the Bible. (6mks)
6. Discuss the attributes of God as showed in Traditional African Society. (12mks)
7. What were the causes of death in African Traditional Society. (8mks)
8. Explain the factors that made the Canaanite religion more attractive than Yahweism. (10mks)
9. Explain the importance of courtship in African marriage. (8mks)
10. Outline the stages that were followed in the making of the Sinai covenant. (7mks)
11. Explain the seven factors that have weakened the kinship system among Africans today. (7mks)
12. Give the importance of circumcision to Abraham and his descendants. (5mks)
13. Explain the similarities between the Jewish and African circumcision. (10mks)
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