Cre Form One Question Paper

Cre Form One 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2009

1. Describe the covenant between God and Abraham. (10mks)

2. Give examples of covenants in the Bible. (5mks)

3. Describe the background to the call of Moses. (8mks)

4. Identify the ten plagues that struck Egypt. (10mks)

5. Describe the failures of King Saul. (5mks)

6. What lessons can Christians learn from King Saul's failures. (5mks)

7. What were the achievements of king Solomon. (8mks)

8. Explain the importance of leadership to Christians today. (7mks)

9. Describe the Mt. Carmel contest. (8mks)

10. What lessons are learnt from the Mt. Carmel contest. (8mks)

11. Describe the problems encountered by Israelites during their settlement in Canaan. (8mks)

12. Identify factors which cause disunity among christians today. (8mks)

13. Identify the consequences of sin according to Genesis 3-11. (10mks)

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