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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Outline four characteristics of human wants. (4mks)

2. Give four ways in which business may positively affect the community in which it operates. (4mks)

3. State four importance of entrepreneurship. (4mks)

4. State four purposes of a business. (4mks)

5. State four characteristics of services as a resource. (4mks)

6. What is the purpose of the packing note? (3mks)

7. Outline four duties of an office manager. (4mks)

8. List four main resources required by an organization. (4mks)

9. State four characteristics of insurable risks. (4mks)

10. State four disadvantages of landscaped offices. (4mks)

11. State four uses of computers in modern communication. (4mks)

12. Outline four functions of an entrepreneur in business. (4mks)

13. State the main advantages of sole proprietorship. (5mks)

14. State two differences between the internal and external business environment. (4mks)

15. Outline four features of a bonded warehouse. (4mks)

16. Give examples of internal business environment. (4mks)

17. Outline five factors that may limit the use of containers as a method of transporting goods in developing countries. (10mks)

18. State five man made resources found in Kenya. (5mks)

19. State four types of partnerships. (4mks)

20. Outline four functions of management. (4mks)

21. Name four types of utilities created through production. (4mks)

22. Define opportunity cost using examples. (5mks)

23. Highlight four circumstances when personal selling is appropriate. (4mks)

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