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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Briefly explain the following terms as used in insurance. (8mks)
i. Proximate cause
ii. Building risks policy
iii. Employer's liability
iv. Consequential loss policy.

2. State four resources of a business. (4mks)

3. Insurance companies being business entities operates on the basis of trust hence are governed by set principles. Explain any five of these principles. (10mks)

4. Differentiate between indirect and direct production. (2mks)

5. Outline limitations of direct production. (6mks)

6. Under what circumstances would a person prefer to use a matatu over a train? (5mks)

7. Outline four measures that may be taken to conserve forests. (4mks)

8. State whether the following are renewable or non renewable resources (8mks)
i. Wood
ii. Natural rubber
iii. Natural gas
iv. Gold
v. soda ash
vi. Solar energy
vii. Lead
viii. Gravel

9. State circumstances under which a credit note may be sent to the concerned person. (4mks)

10. Discuss the emerging issues and practices in management. (10mks)

11. State four characteristics of an entrepreneur. (4mks)

12. State four features of capital as a factor of production. (4mks)

13. State four circumstances when a public limited company may be dissolved. (4mks)

14. Highlight four benefits of studying business studies in school. (4mks)

15. State five ways in which office documents can be reproduced. (5mks)

16. state three ways in which an organization can reduce environmental pollution (6mks)

17. Give four examples of large scale retailers. (4mks)

18. State four factors that lead to a healthy business environment. (4mks)

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