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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2009

1. Give four ways in which a partnership can be formed. (4mks)

2. Give six principles of cooperatives. (6mks)

3. give the circumstances when a cheque can be dishonoured. (5mks)

4. Give five features of a public warehouse. (5mks)

5. Give five disadvantages of oral communication. (5mks)

6. What are the advantages of hire purchase. (4mks)

7. Outline five factors that may limit the number of entrepreneurs in an area. (5mks)

8. Enumerate four reasons why it is necessary to locate a bonded warehouse at the point of entry in a country. (4mks)

9. Give an example of an activity that creates the following types of utilities.
i. Marginal utility
ii. Possessive utility
iii. Place utility
iv. Time utility (4mks)

10. Give five advantages of verbal communication over oral communication. (5mks)

11. Outline four characteristics of direct production. (4mks)

12. Outline four reasons why communication may not be effective. (4mks)

13. Discuss trends in office management. (5mks)

14. Explain any five principles of insurance. (10mks)

15. Give any four types of advertising. (4mks)

16. Give the policies available in marine insurance. (12mks)

17. How can a business increase its profits. (4mks)

18. Define opportunity cost. (2mks)

19. Categorize the following resources into renewable and non renewable resources. (8mks)
i. Wood
ii. Natural rubber
iii. Coal
iv. Silk
v. Cotton
vi. Gold
vii. Gravel
viii. Cement

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