Cre Form One Question Paper
Cre Form One
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2010
1. Give reasons why the Bible is referred to as the word of God. (6mks)
2. How did Moses's earlier life prepare him for the leadership of Israel. (5mks)
3. Outline any five promises that God gave to Abraham. (5mks)
4. Write down the divisions of the New testament and give an example in each case. (10mks)
5. Name five well known covenants in the old testament. (5mks)
6. Mention any five authors of New testament. (5mks)
7. How does God communicate to us today. (5mks)
8. identify the consequences of sin according to Genesis. (5mks)
9. List the ten commandments given to the Israelites in their order. (10mks)
10. How is the church fighting against injustice in the society today. (10mks)
11. How is the traditional African marriage a covenant. (5mks)
12. give the differences between the first and second creation accounts in the Bible. (8mks)
13. How was marriage formalized in African traditional society. (9mks)
14. Name seven results of irresponsible sex. (7mks)
15. Why do some people use traditional medicine today. (5mks)
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