Cre Form One Question Paper
Cre Form One
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2008
1. State the elements of a covenant. (6mks)
2. Identify and explain various covenants in modern life. (4mks)
3. Explain the meaning of the passover meal. (5mks)
4. Describe how the Sinai covenant was made. (8mks)
5. Outline the prophecies that God made to David through prophet Nathan. (8mks)
6. What were the failures of King Solomon. (8mks)
7. What were the circumstances that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel. (8mks)
8. Explain why initiation rites were important in African Traditional Society. (7mks)
9. Why was it difficult for Elijah to fight idoltatry in Israel. (9mks)
10. Identify the factors that affect the true worship of God today. (6mks)
11. In which ways do Christians use the Bible to spread the good news. (7mks)
12. What did the Israelites learn about the nature of God during the exodus. (9mks)
13. Describe how wealth was acquired in African traditional society. (5mks)
14. Explain the differences between the first and the second creation stories. (10mks)
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