Agriculture Form Four Paper 2 Question Paper
Agriculture Form Four Paper 2
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2012
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1.Name a disease of poultry characterised by the following watery greenish diarrhoea,walking backwards in circling motions and having torticullis.(1 mk)
2.Give two functions of each of the following parts of the egg;-
b).Egg shell.2 mks)
3.State three reasons why ewes disown lambs (3 mks)
4.Explain the meaning of the following terms;-
a)Epistasis.(1 mk)
b)Hybrid vigour.(4 mks)
5.Give four differences in digestion between a goat and a pig.(4 mks)
6.Give four components of the water -cooling system in an engines.(4 mks)
7.Give three factors considered in selection of dairy heifers.(3 mks)
8.What term is used preferably to refer to parturition is sows?(1 mk)
9.State three control measures of tsetse flies (3 mks)
10.What is the differences between recessive and dorminant characters (3 mks)
11.State three maintenance practices of an ox-plough.(3 mks)
12.Outline the differences between diesel and petrol engines.(3 mks)
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