Bishop Okoth Ojolla Girls Secondary School Question Paper

Bishop Okoth Ojolla Girls Secondary School 

Course:Computer Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2007

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1. Clearly define a computer (2mks)

2. Give two reasons why a computer is referred to as an electronic device.(4mks)

3. State any three function of a computer (3mk)

4. Explain the following terms as used in computer science (8mks)
ii.Data processing
iv. Information

5. State four different parts that make up the computer (4mks)

6. Identify five areas where computer are used to process data. (10mks)

7. List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory.(3mks)

8. A computer must undergo the process of booting before use
(a)Briefly explain the term computer booting
(b)Explain two things that happen to a computer during the booting process. (4mks)

9. What is a computer keyboard? (2mks)

10. Explain the function of each of the following central processing unit elements
I.Control unit (3mks)
Ii.Arithmetic and logic Units (3mks)
Iii.The main memory (2mks)

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