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Circle 1 C.R.E.Form 3 Question Paper

Circle 1 C.R.E.Form 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer Any Five Questions:
1.a)State ways in which Jesus fulfilled the old testament prophecies on the messiah.(7 mks)
b) Give six similarities between magnificant and the Benedictus.(6 mks)
c) Identify the ways in which christians suffer today in the missionary work.(7 mks)
2.a) Describe the dedication ceremony during the infancy of Jesus in Lk 2:21-40 (6 mks)
b) In which eight ways was the birth of Jesus christ peculiar.(8 mks)
c) State six challenges that parents experience today in their task of bringing up their children.(6 mks)
3.a) Give six reasons which led Jesus to heal the sick.(6 mks)
b)Describe the healing of paralytic man in LK 5;17-26.(7 mks)
c) Why do you think christians should practice forgiveness.(7 mks)
4.a)Describe the events that took place on the day of Pentecost.(6 mks)
b) With reference to1 Corinthians 13:4-8,state the components of love as gift of the Holyspirit.(7 mks)
c) Give seven ways in which love is manifested in church today.(7 mks)
5.a) Outline seven ways in which the power of God was seen on the early church.(7 mks)
b)Identify five examples of images that promote unity found in St Paul's teaching on the unity of believers.(5 mks)
c)Give the causes of disunity in the church today.(5 mks)
6.a)Describe the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector.(6 mks)
b)What are the teachings of Jesus on prayer.(7 mks)
c) Give seven reasons why christians prayers are sometimes not answered.(7 mks)

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