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History Form Three Mid Year. Question Paper

History Form Three Mid Year. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1.Identify one disadvantage of using canoes as a means of water transport. (1 mk)
2.identify the main discovery of Louis Pasteur during scientific revolutions.(1 mk)
3.Name one hominid who manufactured oldowan tools during the old stone Age period. (1 mk)
4.State one missionary factor that contributed to the scramble and partition of Africa. (1 mk)
5.Name one country colonized by Germany in West Africa during the scramble and partition of Africa. (1 mk)
6.State two terms of the Lewanika -corycon treat of 1898. (2 mks)
7.Outline two distinctive features of homo habilis. (2 mks)
8.Name the form of writing that develop in Egypt as a result of development of early agriculture. (1 mk)
9.List two impacts of space transport. (2 mks)
10.Give two similarities between the French and the British colonial administration. (2 mks)
11.Identify two ways in which the Africana reacted to colonial rule. (2 mks)
12.State two uses of Copper in Africa during the precolonial period. (2 mks)
13.Give one advantage of the enclosure system in Britain during the Agrarian Revolution. (1 mk)
14.Identify two advantagesof currency trade over barter trade. (2 mks)
15.Identify 2 methods used by the Europeans in acquiring colonies in Africa . (2 mks)
16.In which way did the discovery of x-rays improve man's health. (2 mks)
17.(a)Give five characteristics of agriculture in ancient Egypt. (5 mks)
(b)Explain the impacts of the development of early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (10 mks)
18. (a)Outline the socio-economic reasons that made the Europeans to be interested in Africa in the 19th Century. (10 mks)
(b)What were the terms of the Berlin conference? (5 mks)
19.(a)Identify any 3 problems faced by the Africans in their resistaance against colonial rule. (3 mks)
(a)Explain the effects of direct rule on the African communities in Zimbabwe.(12 mks)
20.(a)What is the difference between transport and communication? (2 mks)
(b)State three advantages of animal transport. (3 mks)
(c)Explain five effects of the development of railway systems in the world. (10 mks)

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