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Information System Question Paper

Information System 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Type the following passage and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Computer Fundamentals
A computer is an electronic machine that acceptsdata, stores and processes data into information.The computer is able to work because there areinstructions in its memory directing it.The parts of the computer that you can see andtouch, such as the keyboard, monitor and themouse are called hardware. The instractions that direct the computer are called software or computer program. Data which is raw facts that you the user enter into the computer is called input. This includes; words, numbers, sound and pictures. When the data is entered intothe computer, the computer prosesses the data to produce information which isoutput. For example, you enter 2+2 into the computer as data, the computer processes it and the result is 4 which is information. Computers are usually categorized into three general categories: Supercomputer – The fastest, largest, most powerful and most expensivecomputer. Mainframe Computer – This is a little smaller and less powerful than thesupercomputer, but, like the supercomputer it is also expensive. Personal Computer (PC) - This is the computer that most people use intheir daily lives. This computer is much smaller, less powerful and lessexpensive than the supercomputer and the mainframe computer. There aretwo main types of personal computers. Macintosh (Macs) and the PCcompatibles (PC). The main differences between the two are the operatingsystems and the processor they use. This category of computer has twoadditional types of computers. These are mobile computer and handheldcomputer. The most popular type of mobile computer is the notebook or laptop computer, and the handheld computer is a very small PC that youcan hold in your hand. It is important to note that, any computer; regardless of its size have an input device,output device and a system unit.

1. Spell-check your document and make sure that it is free from grammatical or typographical errors.
2. Centre the title, change the font to Algerian, font size 20 and underline with wavy line.
3. Modify the font of the paragraphs to be ‘monotype corsiva’, the font size to be 14 and apply justify alignment on all the paragraphs.
4. Embolden and italicize the name “computer” in the whole document.
5. Create a second paragraph from the text that begins with “Computers are usually categorized into ……”
6. Format the three categories of computers in bulleted form.
7. Change the line spacing of paragraph one to double (2”)
8. Line spacing in the bulleted text should be one point five (1.5”)
9. Make sure that the orientation of the paper is portrait and paper size is A4
10. Make sure that your first name is written on the header of the page and your course title at the footer.
11. Move the computer picture to be between the two paragraphs, centre it and format well to ensure that it does not cut through your text; thereafter, rotate it horizontally.
12. Place the last sentence (i.e. It is important to note that, any computer; regardless of its size have an input device, output device and a system unit) into text box.
13. Border your document with a page border style of your own choice.

Print and hand in as a hard copy

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