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Information System Question Paper

Information System 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

Below is that data for ABC Company’s employees for the month of May 2012
NameEmp. No. No. Hrs worked Overtime Basic pay AllowanceBonus Gross pay
J. Njoki 201 200 2,500.00
E. Adagi 308 198 3,000.00
S. Mudaku 502 180 2,000.00
B. Atieno 703 150 2,800.00
C. Cherop 404 210 3,500.00
K. Kamene 506 205 4,000.00

Using the above information, calculate the overtime, allowances, bonus and gross pay as follows.
Overtime is calculated at the rate of 0.25*basic pay per hour, to employees having worked for more than 190hrs.
Allowance = overtime + (10% of overtime).
Bonus is given at the rate of (0.15 of overtime + 0.156% of allowance)
Gross pay = overtime + basic pay + allowance + bonus
NB: All the amounts are in Kshs. and edit all your figures to two decimal points.
Display all the formulae used in all your calculations below the table.
Apply the Autoformat feature of your own choice to your table.

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