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Business Research Methods  Question Paper

Business Research Methods  


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

Question 1.
a. Visit the websites of PEW , Gall up and Mckinsey. Explain briefly the focus of each firm. Do we have a Kenyan equivalent? (8 marks)
b. One MBA student on visiting the sites commented that research is still a virgin territory in Kenya. Do you agree? Why or why not? ( 6 marks)
c. What research ideas discussed in class are found on these sites? Feel free to use the course outline ( 6 marks)

Question 2
a. Visit the World intellectual property office (WIPO). Get data on patents granted in 2 high income countries, 2 middle income countries and 2 low income countries for the period 1960-2010. You can adjust the period if the data availability does not allow. Regress patents growth rate on GDP growth rate of the chosen countries. What portion of GDP growth is explained by patents in each country? Does economic status of the country matter? What are the policy implications of your findings? (20 marks)
b. Plot patents growth rate and economic growth rate for each country on the same axis. Any patterns noticeable? (10 marks)
c. Research shows that most patents in most countries are filed by firms not individuals. Can you explain why? ( 6 marks)

Question 3
a. Go through Vision 2030 and the new constitution. How many times has the word research been used in each document? Interpret your findings in a global perspective ( BTW , you do not need to read the whole documents from cover to cover…use software) ( 6 marks)
b. Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research ( 6 marks)
c. Compare and contrast theoretical framework from conceptual framework( 6 marks)
Question 4
Visit the website and watch the 15 minute video, VOYAGER : THE GRAND TOUR.
a. As a Kenyan or African what surprises you most about the contents of the video?
( 4 marks)
b. Give evidence of both pure and applied research ( 4 marks)
c. After watching the video, who would you want to share it with and why? ( 4 marks)
d. TS Elliot, a poet is quoted in a highly scientific video. Is that expected or not? Explain.
( 4 marks)
Question 5
a. Get a good BUSINESS research paper from a peer reviewed journal. Briefly discuss why you think it’s a good research paper. Attach the paper to your report. ( 10 marks)
b. Some Kenyans have argued it’s time we got a TUSKER PROJECT FAME equivalent focused on research and development. Design such a project and be creative.
( 10 marks)

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