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Principles Of Marketing Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing 


Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2011

Using the mobile phone service providers in Kenya discuss the concept of product life cycle.20mks
In the past branding and packaging of products was not a common practice among companies in Kenya. Explain why and bring out the importance of branding and packaging as a marketing strategy.10mks
Assume you have a need to buy a car, a wedding ring, a soft drink and a biro pen. Discuss the type of buying decision behaviour you are likely to exhibit and justify your answer.8mks
As a marketing student you have been invited to make a presentation to a group of enterprenuers without marketing background on factors that influence customer behaviour to enable them understand their target market better. Explain.12mks
Distinguish between the following terms
a) Mass marketing
b) Market segmentation
c) Target marketing
Positioning 8mks
What are the benefits and weaknesses of mass marketing and marketing segmentation approaches12mks
Recently companies in Kenya in almost all sectors aggressively promote their products explain this statement bringing out the purpose of promotion 8mks
Discuss promotion methods commonly used by companies today in terms of their unique characteristics 12mks

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