Introduction To Sociology Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology
Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Peace And Conflict Transformation
Institution: Daystar University question papers
Exam Year:2011
Q1. Social stratification is a horizontal division of society into higher and lower social
In view of the above statement, discuss
(a) Criteria of social stratification (15 marks)
(b) Functions of social classes (5 marks)
Q2. With appropriate and relevant examples,discuss.
(a) Elements of culture (15 marks)
(b) Folkways (5 marks)
Q3. (a) define the term sociological research (2 marks)
(b)Discuss the following sociological theories.
I. Revolutionary theory (8 marks)
II. Functionalism theory (10 marks)
Q4. Social change refers to any modification in established patterns of inter human
relationships and standards of conduct.
In view of the above statement.
a)Discuss the characteristic of social change (10 marks)
b)Factors responsible for social change (10 marks)
Q5. Discuss factors responsible for the process of socialization (20 marks)
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