Cre Standard Seven Question Paper

Cre Standard Seven 


Institution: Class 7 question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Which duty was given to human beings by God according to the Genesis stories of creation
A. To spread the gospel
B. To fight against sin
C. To obey God's command
D. To wear clothes made of animal skins

2. Who among the following was promised by God to have many descendants
A. Abraham
B. Nahor
C. Lot
D. Solomon

3. Who among the following was a nephew of Abraham
A. Jacob
B. Isaac
C. Hagai
D. Lot

4. When God appeared to Moses in form of a burning bush, He identified Himself as
A. Jehovah
B. Ebenezer
D. Messiah

5. The story of the movement of Israelites from Egyptian slavery is recorded in the book of
A. Genesis
B. Numbers
C. Exodus
D. Ruth

6. Who among the following prophets prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin woman
A. Isaiah
B. Micah
C. Ezekiel
D. Daniel

7. Which of these events is associated with Solomon
A. Making the Sinai covenant
B. The conquer of Jericho
C. The building of the temple at Jerusalem
D. The killing of Naboth

8. Which of these prophets is associated with multiplication of oil for a poor widow.
A. Elisha
B. Daniel
C. Isaiah
D. Nathan

9. Who among the following was given the responsibility of artistic work during the exodus
A. Aaron
B. Moses
C. Caleb
D. Bezalel

10. The servant of Elisha who did not practise integrity was known as
A. Elijah
B. Eliezer
C. Gehazi
D. Ehud

11. From the story of David and Jonathan Christians learn to have
A. Patience
B. Tolerance
C. Loyalty
D. Faith

12. Who was forbidden by prophet Nathan to build a temple for God
A. Samuel
B. Saul
C. Solomon
D. David

13. Which miracle showed that Jesus has power to control nature
A. Walking on water
B. Healing the paralyzed man
C. Healing the man with evil spirits
D. Healing the blind man

14. Jesus healed a Roman officer's servant when He was at
A. Bethany
B. Carpernaum
C. Bethlehem
D. Nazareth

15. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to him, he called Him the
A. Lamb of God
B. Son of God
C. Eternal saviour
D. Good shepherd

16. Who among the following was not a judge in Israel
A. Ehud
B. Gideon
C. Deborah
D. Joshua

17. A refugee is forced to leave his or her country due to the following reasons except
A. Political instability
B. Famine
C. Touring other countries
D. War and fighting

18. Bishops, pastors, priests and archbishops are collectively known as
A. Laity
B. Clergy
C. Deacons
D. Helpers

19. Who among the following was not one of the seven helpers appointed in the early church
A. Prochorus
B. Parmenas
C. Timothy
D. Timon

20. Peace and contentment means
A. Having a lot of wealth
B. Being poor
C. Being satisfied with what we have
D. Complaining because we are not successful

21. Which symbol is used in the New Testament to represent the Holy Spirit
A. Water
B. Cloud
C. Smoke
D. Fire

22. What reward will be given to those who are humble according to the beatitudes
A. God will satisfy them fully
B. God will be merciful to them
C. The kingdom of Heaven belongs to them
D. They will receive what God has promised

23. According to the Apostles' Creed, God is
A. The saviour
B. The creator
C. Kind
B. Merciful

24. According to the Apostle's creed the church is
A. Holy
B. Big
C. Christ's bride
D. Christ's body

25. Which of these traditional specialists was useful in the community
A. Sorcerers
B. Witches
C. Wizards
D. Rain makers

26. Who among the following prophets talks about our hope in future
A. Daniel
B. Hosea
C. Jeremiah
D. Ezekiel

27. From the story of Gideon, Christians learn to have
A. Patience
B. Mercy
C. Courage
D. Tolerance

28. Who among the following saw a vision of a man beckoning in Macedonia
A. Peter
B. Silas
C. Barnabas
D. Paul

29. David was unfair when he
A. Killed Goliath
B. Fought the Philistines
C. Brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem
D. Committee adultery with Bathseba

30. Mother Teresa was a nun. She spent most of her life helping the poor the town of
A. Cape town
B. London
C. Calcutta
D. New York

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