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History End Of Term 2 Exam Question Paper

History End Of Term 2 Exam 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012


1.Give the meaning of history.(1mk)
2.Give two contributions of archeology to the study of history.(2mks)
3.Identify two pre-historic sites outside East Africa.(2mks)
4.Identify two ways in which man used stone tools.(2mks)
5.State the scientific theory that explains the origin of human beings.(1mk)
6.Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Egypt.(1mk)
7.Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture started.(1mk)
8.Give two methods of irrigation used in the development of early agriculture in Egypt.(2mks)
9.Give two examples of Kalenjin speakers.(2mks)
10.give two ways in which the knowledge of iron working helped in the migration of Bantus.(2mks)
12.Name the dispersal area of the Eastern Bantus.(1mk)
13.State one way in which the Abagusii and the Kipsigis interacted during the pre-colonial period.(1mk)
14.Name two functions of the council of elders (Njuri Ncheki) of the Ameru.(2mks)
15.Name one community in kenya that belongs to the River Lake Nilotes.(1mk)
16.Apart from the Maasai give two other linguistically related communities among the plain Nilotes.(2mk)
17.Identify one age group for elders among the Akamba.(1mk)

SECTION B (75mks)

18.(a)Give three stages in the evolution of man before Homo Erectus.(3mks)
(b)Describe six ways in which the discovery of fire by early man improved his way of life.(12mks)

19.(a)Give four advantages of the land enclosure system in Britain during agrarian revolution.(5mks)
(b).What factors made early man to domesticate crops and animals.(10mks)

20.(a).Give five reasons which led to the migration of the cushites from their original homeland into Kenya.(5mks)
(b)Explain five results of the interaction between the Bantus and cushites in Kenya during the pre-colonial period.(10mks)

21(a)State three economic activities of plain Nilotes during the pre-colonial period.(3mks)
(b)Describe social organisation of the Agikuyu during the pre-colonial.(12mks)

22(a).Identify the main branches of study in history.(3mks)
(b)What are the disadvantages of using oral tradition as a source of information on history and government.(12mks)

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