Agriculture Form I Question Paper

Agriculture Form I 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME……………………………………………………..ADM NO…………………
Answer all questions in the spaces provided in section A and any ONE from section B.

1 Define agriculture ( 1mk)

2. Define the following terms. ( 3 marks)
i) Crop pathology
ii) Genetics
iii) Entomology.

3. State for branches of agriculture ( 4 mks)

4. Define the following terms as used in livestock production ( 3 mks)
i) Aquaculture
ii) Apiculture
iii) Pastoral nomad ism

5. State the advantages of intensive system (3 mks)

6. a) Apart from mixed farming name (4 )four other methods of farming (5 marks)

b) State Five advantages of mixed farming (5marks)

7. Why is ranching important in the semi arid and arid areas of Kenya. (2 mks)

8. Describe two effects of good communication in agriculture ( 2 marks)

9 Describe two ways in which the level of education and technology affect agricultural development in Kenya (2 mks)

10. State two effects of HIV/AIDS on agriculture ( 2mks)

11. a) Define soil profile. (2 mks)

b) Draw a well labeled diagram of a soil profile. (4 mks)

c) What is the importance of parent rock/material in soil profile ( 3 mks)

12. a) Define soil texture. (1 mk)
b) State four textural classes of soil. (4 mks)
c) Name two methods used to determine soil texture.(2 mks)

Answer ONE question from this section.

13. a) Why is Agriculture very important to the economic development of Kenya
(12 mks)

b) What factors would you consider in identifying the farming system ( 8 mks )

14. a) Explain the role of living organism in soil formation.( 10 mks)

b) State and explain briefly the components of soil ( 10 mks)c) Name two methods used to determine soil texture.(2 mks)

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