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English And Literature Form 2. Question Paper

English And Literature Form 2. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012


ADM NO ………………………..

1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. (20mks).

Oral literature is taught in schools from form one to form four. It is so interesting that most students enjoy the lessons which involve it. Sometimes others have their own examples even before the teacher says anything.
Oral literature is passed by word of mouth from generation to generation. It is significant in entertainment of minds, in teaching values, in teaching language, in storing cultures, in interacting different groups of people, upholding talents and even intergrating nationalities.
In the syllabus oral literature caters for narratives, songs, proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, jokes and even puns. Being definite a serious student cannot confuse one with the other. Narratives can be myth- telling origin of something, legends, informing us about heroines/ heroes in the society,fables –showing why certain animals are enemies,trickster- giving details on tricks animals play to one another,Audiological tales- saying why somethings or animals are how they are,ogre tales- involving monsters and animal tales in which characters are animals.
So are the rest types of oral literature classified.But it is important to consider the difference between one generetion the other.For a slight confusion will sacrifice one.
An Essay on Oral literature
1. Give the passage a title (1mk)

2. Why does the author say oral literature is interesting ? (2mks)

3. Why is oral literature known as so? (2mks

4. Write down short notes on the functions of oral literature in the society.(4mks)

5. What does oral literature involve according to the passage? (2mks)

6. Differentiate a fable fool an audiological tale and a myth. (3mks)

7. Classify songs in the way you think. (4mks)

8. The author finishes the passage with

But it is important to consider the difference between one genre to another.
a.) Why? (2mks)

b.) Write that sentence in another way without changing its meaning. (1mk)

2. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow (30mks)

The Prophet
But let their be space in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you
Love one another, but make no bond of love;
Let it be rather a moving sea between the shows of your souls.
Fill each others cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strains of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music

Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping
For only the hand of life can handle your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the Cyprus grow not into each others shadow.

(by Anonymous)
1. Do you like this poem? Why? (2mks)

2. What is the poem above talking about? Illustrate. (2mks)

3. If you were reciting the poem how would you make it interesting. Illustrate.

4. What does the author mean by the following phrases? (4mks)

i) But let their be space in your togetherness

ii) Let it be rather a moving sea between the shows of your souls.

5. Identify any 2 stylistic devices used in the poem, show their significance and illustrate them (4mks)

6. Why does the author repeat the words

Let, love, cup, give, And? (4mks)

7. Give the meaning of the following words used in the poem (5mks)

i) bond
ii) shores
iii) quiver
iv) lute
v) strains

8. Write another word similar to the following in the poem (4mks)

i) you
ii) one
iii) sea
iv) souls
v) each
vi) for
vii) not
viii) it

9.Why do you think the poem is entitled “the prophet” (1mk)


1. Fill the blank spaces with appropriate qualifiers.

a sachet of
a pinch of
a ream of
a flight of

i) I saw …………………………………stairs when I got to the storey in town.

ii) Add only ………………………………… sugar.

iii) You must carry…………………………….margarine with you.

iv) Give me that …………………………..of fulscaps.

2. Answer the following questions according to instructions in brackets.(5mks)

i) The leg of the girl of the president is broken.
(Re-write the sentence into a possessive form)

ii) ………............................. an awful accident.And ………………… what loss. (fill with relevant iterjections)

iii) We met brown, slender, short aged,Chinese women. (Arrange the adjectives in
the right order)

iv)Mother a ……… (I/me) went to the airport to see……………(their/theirs)
Children.(pick the appropriate words to fill the gaps)

v) Children under sixteen …………………….. watch this film.(show prohibition)

3.Distinguish the following pairs of sentences (3mks)
i) Can I sit on you ?
ii) I may sit on you
iii) shall I sit on you ?
4.Underline the adverbial clauses in the following sentences (3mks)
i) We shall sleep before the rains begin.
ii) When you go, greet them.
iii) They decided to visit where the scene was beautiful.

4. Join the following phrases (2mks)

a) Call your father
b) Don’t tell him about the accident.
c) He may need the information.

3. I saw him

I thought he was a very fat man people always enlarge his name.

5. Change the following sentences into the passive form. (3mks)
i) Armanda is acting a movie .
ii) Others drove the car home
iii) The teacher mixed Ammonia and calcium chloride to produce Ammonium chloride

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