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English And Literature Form 1. Question Paper

English And Literature Form 1. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012


ADM NO:…………………

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.( 20mks)

Unless the youth realize that they are the waited for leaders and so the expected change remains a tale.For long, present heads say the youths are their future leaders. This has become a wisp lest cliché which should be buried in deserted grounds.For if one knows the reaping is soon then, his work proves zealous enough to bear a hefty harvest.On the other hand an unknown promise is like the desert oasis or myriads appearing for a thirsty man,never shall one rich them.

All in all, the yout6h have much to do than their bearers. People see leaders in responsible individuals – those who know and initiate duties and projects respectively, they should be honest enough to tell when they do a vice and be ready to face the repercussions. Others looks upon leaders who will be less opportunistic- grasping chances to benefit only themselves, they should care for everyone else around them, know their desires, needs and troubles.
The list may be too long but all in all they hung around a simple word . A Virturious person.
What is meant here is that, the youth should then realize a virturous person is nurtured and also natured.Youth were born empty and holy,then when did you rebel and fill your head with viced despised in the society.Thus, the time is now.

(A thought on the youth
by PCA)
1. Give the passage a relevant title(2mks)

2. Why is the author against the Youths being referred to as the future leaders. (2mks)

3. Who should prove that the Youths and the waited –for leaders ? And how should he prove it?(4mks)

4. What was in the author’s mind while writing this passage? Illustrate from the
passage. (4mks)
5. What lesson is given in the passage to conclude the story? (2mks)

6. Give the meanings of the following words.(6mks)

i) Hefty
ii) Zealous
iii) Repercussion
iv) Virturous
v) Despised
vi) Opportunistic


Write a creative composition ending with
……………………… I had never been so happy in my life. I had to throw a quick party because of that.


1. Answer the following questions according to the instructions in bracket.

i) We took the long direction which made the journey wrong. (correct the
mistake in the sentence)

ii) I shall sing no matter what you say.(Make this sentence a past tense kind)

iii) Shall we eat? (Re-write it to be a declarative sentence)

iv) That girl is sillier than anyone here. (use “silliest”to re-write the sentence)

v) Joseph was nervous. Richard was equally nervous.(Combine into one
sentence using a comparative)
2. Explain the different meanings of the following three sentences (3mks)

a) Alikiba sung loudly.

b) Alikiba loudly sung

c) Loudly, Alikiba sung

3. Punctuate the following passage appropriately.

i felt sorry for her and for myself that my disability caused so much pain for her i knew what went through her mind if only my son had his legs my thoughts exactly forgetting that if i did still have my legs the situation would not have arisen in the first place

4.Use the correct form of the nouns given in brackets (4mks)

i)Use all the …………………………..(formular) that are necessary.

ii) I saw several ……………………..(man) pursuing her.

iii.) That is your ………………………..(mother-in-law) house.

iv) Give me a lot of ……………………… (water) I am thirsty.

5.Fill the blank spaces with the correct preposition.(3mks)

i) She took ………………her clothes and slept

ii) Try not to collide ……………… us.

iii) I arrived …………………….. time at school because all students had settled.

6.Supply other words which are same as the following. (6mks)

i) Grateful
iii) Where
iv) Blue
v) Know

7. Identify, underline and correct the six words misspelt in the paragraph.below.(4mks)

When I went in town I saw a crowd. Infact the number of people could not be counted. The surprise which which got me was shocking. Their was a courageous
Girl wrestling a man of forty years.
She impressed me quiet for a while.

-Merry xmas-

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