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Biology Question Paper



Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2012

Biology quiz

1.What is an enzyme. (1mk)
(a) Name the blood vessels which
supply the blood within the heart and
a disease
associated with these vessels (2mks)

( b) Describe how red blood cells are
adapted to their function.(3mks)
( i)
( ii)
( iii)

(c) To what advantages do the red blood cells have to the described
( i)
( iii)

(d) Draw and name a well labeled
diagram showing how blood
circulates to various organs in the

2 (a) The figure below shows
incomplete mechanisms of blood
clotting. Damaged cells +Platetes
?? Thrombokanase/Thromboplastin
? Y ? Meshwork Complete the missing labels X and Y
(2Mks) X----------- Y------------

(b) Name the anti- clotting factor
found in the blood which prevents the
blood from clotting within the vessels

3 (a) Name 4 forces involved in
movement of water and mineral salts
through a plant 4mks)
iv )

( b) Explain how the following plant
adaptation minimize rate of
transpiration.(4mks) (i)Sunken stomata
(ii) Leaf foldingGive two examples of membranes.
What is the function of
a.centrioles b.nucleolus c.golgi apparatus
Give five differences between
animals and plants
Name two types of
Write the chemical formula of dark
stage reactions in photosynthesis.

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