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Cre Form Four Quiz Question Paper

Cre Form Four Quiz 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

K.C.S.E QUIZ 1989 – 1992

1. (a) What are the causes of evil according to Gen 3 – 11.
(b) Identify the qualities of God learnt by the Israelites during the making of the Sinai covenant.
(c) How was the birth and life of Jesus were to be extra – ordinary according to the annunciation of his birth Luke 1:26-38.

2. (a) Identify miracles which show Jesus’ authority over nature.
(b) Give Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness.
(c) Give reasons why myths are important in traditional African communities.

3. (a) Explain the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors.
(b) How can injustice disrupt peace in society?
(c) Discuss ways in which Christians can use leisure to glorify God.

4. (a) How has money economy changed the traditional African concept of bride wealth.
(b) Identify events which took place on the night of the exodus.
(c) What is the significance of the Sabbath to the Jews?
(d) Give ways in which God’s saving power is demonstrated in the healing miracles of Jesus.

5. (a) Discuss the importance of the transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus.
(b) Identify factors affecting traditional African heritage.
(c) Give reasons why polygamy is practiced in African communities today.

6. (a) How does the church contribute to the welfare of the people.
(b) Identify sex practices condemned by Christians.
(c) What problems are likely to be experienced by children of unmarried mothers?

7. (a) Give ways in which technology has improved human life.
(b) What are the causes of disorder in society?
(c) How do Christians contribute to the conversation of the environment?

8. (a) How was the temple central to the Jewish worship and faith.
(b) What is the significance of the traditional African initiation rites?
(c) What is the role of the sponsor during tradition African circumcision ceremonies?

9. (a) give reasons why dowry is important in traditional African marriage.
(b) Identify traditional African practices condemned by Christian missionaries to Kenya in the colonial era.
(c) Explain environmental factors that threaten human existence.

10. (a) identify characteristics of a professor.
(b) Give reasons why it is important for Christians to observe professional ethics.
(c) Explain rites of passage which an individual undergoes in traditional African communities.

11. (a) Identify ways of giving names to children of traditional African communities.
(b) What are the duties of children towards their parents in traditional African communities?

12. (a) Identify factors which help to maintain harmony and mutual responsibilities in traditional African communities.
(b) How do people show their appreciation of God as the source of life?
(c) What are the effects of translating the bible into the local African languages?

13. (a) State the main elements of a covenant. Give examples of a covenant in the modern life.
(b) Explain the importance of circumcision to Abraham and his descendants.
(c) What did the Israelites learn about the nature of God during the exodus?

14. (a) Identify signs that Yahweh used during the time of prophet Elijah to prove that he is the rue God of Israel.
(b) What was the significance of Jesus’ baptism by John?
(c) What do Christians learn from the miracles of the feeding of the five thousand?

15. (a) What should be a Christian’s attitude when seeking forgiveness from God.
(b) What accusations were brought against Jesus when he appeared before Pilate?
(c) (i) Discuss the effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour in the society today.
(ii) How did traditional African communities prevent sex abuse?

16. (a) how did God demonstrate His mercy to the Israelites.
(b) Identify the sins which were concerned by prophet Amos.
(c) Give john the Baptist teaching which show his concern for the social justice.

17. (a) Identify occasions when Jesus was tempted.
(b) How did Jesus reveal himself to the disciples of Emmaus?
(c) How did marriage contribute to social relationships in traditional African communities?

18. (a) Identify reasons why traditional African communities offer sacrifices.
(b) Why is sex education mainly conducted by grandparents in traditional African communities?
(c) What were the consequences of sin according to genesis 3 – 11?

19. (a) Why was Moses reluctant to accept God’s call.
(b) Give the characteristics of the Canaanite religion.
(c) What were the stages followed in the making of the Sinai covenant.

20. (a) What do Christians lean about God from His temptations in the wilderness.
(b) What lessons do Christians learn fro the healing of the centurions’ servant?
(c) Why did Jesus use bread and wine during the last supper?

21. (a) what actions were taken by the Jewish leadership to ensure Jesus was put to death.
(b) Which requirements did a man have to fulfill to become an elder?

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