Agriculture Revision Questions Question Paper
Agriculture Revision Questions
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2010
1. Why is it necessary to cultivate land before planting?
? Improve soil aeration.
? Increase water infiltration.
? Improve germination.
? Facilitate ease of planting/softening soil.
? Destroy weeds.
? Achieve the right/appropriate tilth for the size of seed in question.
? In co-operate organic matter in the soil.
2. (a) What is minimum tillage?
? It is a kind of tillage in which least cultivation operations are carried out.
(b) State two reasons why minimum tillage is encouraged in crop production. (1mk)
? Save time.
? Reduces operational costs by either saving on labour or capital.
? Maintains soil structure/controls soil erosion.
? Maintains soil moisture.
(c) Give three reasons for practicing minimum tillage (11/2 mks)
? To maintain soil structure.
? To reduce soil erosion.
? To reduce the cost of seed bed preparation.
? To conserve soil moisture.
? To avoid damage to roots of the crop.
3. How would hard pans be caused by cultivation? (1mk)
? By repeated cultivation at the same depth/constant working the soil when wet using heavy machinery.
4. State four reasons for primary cultivation (2mks)
? To kill the weeds.
? To burry crop residues/organic matter into the soil.
? To loosen up the soil to facilitate rainfall infiltration into the soil/to improve aeration.
? For easy penetration of roots.
? To control pests and diseases.
? To make subsequent operations cheap.
5. Give four factors that determine the number of tillage operations when preparing a seedbed. (2mks)
? Implement used/ type of machinery available.
? The crop to b planted.
? Soil moisture.
? Initial condition of the land.
? Soil type/texture.
? Skill of the operator.
? Liability of soil erosion/topography.
? Capital availability/ cost of operation.
? Soil structure.
? Time available to carry out the operation before planting.
6. Besides providing water to the plant, state one other use of the flooded water to the rice field. (1mk)
? Suppress weeds.
? To get even growth.
? To create optimum environment for growth of rice.
7. Give two reasons why the use of fire should be discouraged in clearing land during seedbed preparation. (2mks)
? Destroys soil organisms.
? Loss of nutrients/ loss of soil fertility.
? Accumulation of some nutrients to toxic levels e.g. potash.
? Destroys soil organic matter.
8. Give reasons for secondary cultivation (2mks)
? Control weeds.
? Control pests and diseases.
? Incorporate organic matter in the soil.
? Improve soil physical condition/obtain suitable tilth for planting/crop growth.
? To make appropriate seedbed for planting certain crops e.g. ridging, rolling and leveling.
9. State two benefits of minimum tillage in crop production. (2mks)
? Saves time.
? Reduces cost of production.
? Maintains soil structure.
? Minimizes soil erosion.
? Less labourious.
? Conserves moisture.
? Minimizes root disturbance or damage.
10. State two causes of hard pan in a crop field. (1mk)
? By repeated cultivation at the same depth/constant depth.
? Working the soil when wet using heavy machinery.
11. List four implements used too carry out secondary cultivation. (2mks)
? Disc harrow.
? Spring tine harrow/rigid tine harrow/ox – tine harrow.
? Spike toothed harrow/peg toothed harrow.
? Chain harrows.
? Rotators.
? Zigzag harrow.
12. State four farming practices that may help in achieving minimum tillage. (2mks)
? Application of herbicides.
? Application of mulch.
? Timing cultivation e.g. early weeding leads to a clean seedbed/planting without cover crops.
? Uprooting/slashing/grazing to control weeds.
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