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Business Question Paper



Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Give four differences between a
public limited company and a public
corporation. (8mks)
2. Outline four circumstances under
which a company can be dissolved.
3. Mr. Muriuki a newly employed
teacher intends to join a Mwalimu
sacco. Outline four benefits he
expects. (4mks)
4. Outline FOUR
factors that influence
the choice of an office layout
(4mks)5.Outline FOUR ways in which a
business person may derive from the
use of internet.(4 mks) 6.Classify each of the following
activities into its appropriate level of
production.(4 mks)
a)Harvesting maize
b)Oil refining c)Advertising
7.List down the factors of production
and the reward for each.(4 mks)
8. Classify each of the following into
the appropriate level of production.
i. Entertainment
ii. Hairdressing
iii. Milk processing iv. Nursing
9. Differentiate an entrepreneur from
entrepreneurship. (2mks)
10. Explain four functions of an office.
11. Highlight four importance of trade
in the society. (4mks)
12. Explain any four documents used
in home trade. (8mks)

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