Cre Form 2 Question Paper

Cre Form 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

NAME………………………………………………………ADM NO……………….


1. State the responsibilities of living towards God, Spirits and Ancestors .(5mks)

2. Christians communicate to God via several ways. Give at least five of them.(5mks)

3. State factors that have affected the role of Traditional African specialists today.(5mks)

4. State five effects of the translation of the Bible into African languages (5mks)

5. Africa society have several beliefs about causes of evil. Give at least five.(5mks)

6. Give five reasons why Christians should practice forgiveness.

7. Abraham was called by God. Give five reasons why he was called.

8. What were five of the problems Moses faced as he was leading Israelites During
Exodus. (5mks)

9. State five failures of King Solomon.(5mks)

10. State five nature of God during Mount Carmel.(5mks)


1 a). Describe the events that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the temple

(b) Explain how the birth of Jesus was Extraordinary(8mks)

(c) Give five challenges that parents experience today in their task of bringing up their children (5mks)

2 (a). What were the qualities of Jesus as announced to Mary by the Angel.(8mks)

(b) What can Christians learn from Mary’s behavior when the Angel announced to her
the birth of the messiah.(6mks)

(d) What did Simeon and Anna prophesy about Jesus (6mks)

3 (a) Give four reasons as to why Jesus was rejected at Nazareth.(8mks)

(b) What lessons can be learned about God in the announciation of Jesus’ birth (6mks)

(c) It was right to punish Zecharia for questioning the Angel of God . Explain (6mks)

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