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Computer Studies Practicals Question Paper

Computer Studies Practicals 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name…………………………………Index Number………………

2½ hours


Answer question 1 and either 2 0r 3.
All questions carry equal marks.
All answers must be saved in your diskette.
Make a printout of the answers on the answer sheets provided.
Hand in both printout and diskette.

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.

Answer question 1 (compulsory)
1. (a) Type the following table and save as LIST.DOC in the diskette provided:

Name Box Number Town Form House Fees
Wanjala Naswa 132 Namalala 2W CHUI 8575
Abdalla Ali 100 Bamburi 3R NDOVU 9250
Mulwa Norr 50 Matuu 1W SIMBA 11500
Mwangi Maina 500 Kairuthi 4R CHUI 10500
Kiptoo John 100 Tindinyo 2R NDOVU 8575
(15 Marks)
(b) Using the third row entries in the tables provided in (a) above, type the following letter. Include all the formatting features in the letter. Save as LETTER.DOC in the diskette provided.
Kula Mawe High School,
P.O Box 1000,
Kula Mawe.
30th November, 1998.
P.O Box ………………...

Dear …………..

We are pleased to offer you a place in this school in form ………… Your house will be …….. The amount of fees required is Ksh. ……………….. The school opens on
5th January , 1999.

You are required to bring the following items:
Beddings Stationery
1. 1 mattress 1. Text books
2. 2 blankets 2. Exercise books
3. 2 bed sheets 3. 1 mathematical set
4. 1 bedcover 4. 1 ruler
5. 2 pillow cases 5. 1 Bible/Koran

Yours faithfully,

Henry Mkubwa

(30 Marks)

(c) Print both LIST.DOC and LETTER.DOC. (5 Marks)

Answer either question 2 or 3

2 (a) (i) Create a worksheet with the following entries:
Ayuku Aseka 70 60 40 50
Irungu Wambua 50 70 60 40
Khalifa Mudigo 80 40 50 60
Nosieta Soita 30 75 60 50
Onyango Otieno 40 55 70 60

(ii) Adjust column width where necessary to display all entries in detail. Save as MARKS 1. (11 Marks)

(b) Obtain the following:
(i) total score for each student
(ii) mean score for each student
(iii) highest score per subject
(iv) standard deviation per subject
Save your worksheet as MARKS2. (18 Marks)

(c) Insert a new row for Chege Kisilu between Ayuku Aseka and Irungu Wambua. Enter his scores as 60, 50, 80, and 20.

Save your worksheet as MARKS3. (3 Marks)

(d) Format the ranges with values for mean score and standard deviation to display results to 3 decimal places.

Save your worksheet as MARKS4. (4 Marks)

(e) Select a free cell and enter 10% . Use the value entered to adjust the mean score of each student.
Save as MARKS5. (10 Marks)

(f) Print MARKS2, MARKS3, MARKS4 and MARKS5. (4 Marks)

3 Database

A Jua Kali Association in Nairobi created a database file for their members. In addition to entering a members’ numbers and names, each record contained a date of registration of each member, membership fees paid and title of the activity.

(a) Create a database file structure called JUADAT1 using the information given in Table 1. The field names should match those of the data provided. (15 Marks)

(b) Append the data in Table 1 on the structure created in (a) above (9 Marks)

(c) Sort the records in JUADAT1 on the fields you have defined for activity and name in ascending order. Save the sorted records in the file JUADAT2. (4 Marks)

(d) Create a column report of the records in JUADAT1. The report should contain the following fields: Names, date of registration, and title of the activity. The page title of the report is “JUA KALI REGISTRATION” call name of the report file JUADAT3. (11 Marks)

(e) Use the JUADAT1 to create a query file to extract all the records whose activity is “Blacksmith”. Call the file JUADAT4. (4 Marks)

(f) (i) Print the structure of JUADAT1
(ii) Print the records in JUADAT1 and JUADAT2
(iii) Use JUADAT3 and JUADAT4 to print reports from JUADAT1 (7 Marks)
Table 1

1 97PO316 Fondo Malanda 12/20/97 100.00 BLACKSMITH
2 93P0464 Kori Blanda 08/2/93 50.70 SEWING
3 95PO218 Issa Munir 03/11/95 120.30 POTTERY
4 94PO177 Alvin Kanga 05/24/94 200.00 BLACKSMITH
5 97PO010 Adam Ayaila 09/08/97 150.00 PAINTING
6 95PO849 Valji Patel 10/28/95 240.00 WIRING
7 96PO748 Kamau Nderi 02/14/96 300.00 WIRING
8 92PO100 Otieno Omuka 04/18/92 124.50 BLACKSMITH

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