Agriculture Form One Question Paper

Agriculture Form One 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2006


TERM 2 2006


Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. Write neatly and boldly

1. a) State one use of each of the following farm tools; ( 2 marks)
i) Mason’s trowel.

ii) A pair of Tin Snips.

b) Which tool would be required for each of the following farm operations? ( 2 marks)
i) Cutting wool from sheep

ii) Castrating piglets.

2. List eight characteristics of clayey Soil. ( 8 marks)

3. Name two tools used for checking to ensure that building blocks are laid correctly during Construction. ( 2 marks)

4. Give three conditions under which a file may be used instead of a smoothening plane in smoothening a piece of timber. ( 3 marks)

5. State four reasons for maintaining farm tools properly. ( 4 marks)

6. What are the advantages of practising mixed farming? ( 6 marks)

7. Name six types of soil structures that exist naturally. ( 6 marks)

8. List any seven effects of strong winds in Agriculture. ( 7 marks)

9. Name five Constituents of a soil. ( 5 marks)

10. Briefly explain the role of living organisms in soil formation. ( 8 marks)

11. Discuss the advantages of organic farming in relation , to environmental Conservation. ( 10 marks)

12 a) Explain what can be learnt from a well , developed and distinct soil profile.
( 3 marks)

b) Describe the Components of a well developed soil profile ( 10 marks)

13. State the precautions a farmer should take when using the workshop tools. ( 4 marks)

14. State the farming practices which help to improve soil structure. ( 6 marks)

15. Describe Government Policy in Controlling livestock diseases in Kenya. ( 6 marks)

16. Outline the effects of adding organic matter to soils. ( 8 marks)

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