Business Studies Form One Question Paper

Business Studies Form One 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2007



• Answer all questions

1. Define the term business studies. (2 marks)

2. Explain five importance of business studies to
a. Individual (5 marks)

b. Society (5 marks)

3. State four scopes of Business Studies. (4 marks)

4. Explain five types of business activities. (5 marks)

5. Explain four factors of remote environment. (4 marks)

6. Explain five ways the owner of a business can influence its internal environment. (4 marks)

7. Explain five parties to which the business are expected to be socially responsible.(5 marks)

8. Define
i. Generic competition. (2 marks)

ii. Enterprise competition. (2 marks)
9. Discuss the relationship between scarcity and choice of economic resources. (4 marks)

10. Distinguish between a need and a want. (2 marks)

11. For a tourst going to Maasai Mara National Park, what type of human wants would one be fulfilling. (1 mark)

12. Explain five characteristics of human wants. (5 marks)
(a) Free goods

(b) Economic goods

(c) Procedure goods

(d) Consumer goods

(e) Perishable goods

(f) Durable goods

(g) Public goods

(h) Private goods.

(i) Intermediate goods

(j) Finished goods

(k) Material goods

(l) Non – material goods

13. Classify the following items into either basic or secondary wants. (6 marks)
a. Drinking water

b. Shoes

c. Education

d. Air

e. Housing

f. Potatoe chips

14. Define
a. Direct production (1 mark)

b. Indirect production. (1 mark)

15. State four types of utility. (4 marks)

16. Highlight five characteristics of economic resources. (5 marks)

17. State three types of economic resources. (3 marks)

18. What are free resources? Give three examples. (4 marks)

19. Highlight four differences between goods and services. (4 marks)

20. Define a scale of preference. (1 mark)

21. Explain five ways competition may affect the success of a business. (5 marks)

22. Classify the following the renewable resource or non-renewable resource.
a. Wood
b. Building stone
c. Leather
d. Natural gas
e. Solar energy
f. Hydro electric power
g. Gold
h. Vehicle

24. Define the following terms. (4 marks)
(a) Division of labour.

(b) Specialization

(c) Production

(d) Utility

25. Highlights four ways of controlling pollution. (4 marks)

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