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Principles Of Crop Protection Question Paper

Principles Of Crop Protection 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

1) Write short notes on each of the following: a) Biotic agents of plant diseases-8marks b) Abiotic agents of plant diseases- 8marks c) Disease incidence- 4marks 2) Explain the 3 important factors involved in a disease triangle and indicate why they are important in disease epidemics. (15marks) 3) Insect pests have different types of mouth parts adopted to suit the food sources and feeding styles. a) Explain the different types of mouth parts and give examples of pests with such mouth parts. (10marks) b) Outline the different types of damages caused by arthropod pests (10marks) 4) Outline eight characteristics that make weeds survive harsh environmental conditions.( 8marks) b) Explain the different methods used in the classification of weeds. (12marks) 5) Discuss the different principles involved in the management of crop pests and diseases.

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