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History Ang Government Question Paper

History Ang Government 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)

History and Government
Paper 2


• This paper consists of three sections A,B and C
• Answer all the questions in section A and Two questions from section C
• Candidates may be penalized for not following the instructions given in this paper

This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all papers are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Give two sources of information on History and Government. (2mks)
2. What two methods were used by early man to find food during the stone age period. (2mks)
3. Identify the main method of trade in Africa during pre-colonial period. (1mk)
4. What was the main reason why early agriculture developed in ancient Egypt? (1mk)
5. What are the disadvantages of using a message to pass on information? (1mk)
6. Identify two early sources of energy. (2mks)
7. identify two European powers that required colonies in East Africa. (2mks)
8. List two sources of evidence used by archeologist to reconstruct the History of the past. (2mks)
9. What was the main reason why nationalism developed in Ghana during the colonial period.
10. State two functions of Buganda traditional parliament. (2mks)
11. Give two advantages of a written constitution. (2mks)
12. State two causes of First World War. (2mks)
13 Name two U N O specialized agencies. (2mks)
14. What is pan- Africanism? (1mk)
15. State two reasons that led to the collapse of the East African Community in 1977. (2mks)

Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.
16.a) What factors led to Agrarian Revolution in USA (5mks)
b) Discuss the effects of food shortage in third world countries. (10mks)

17. a)Identify five economic activities of the Buganda during pre-colonial period. (5mks)
b) What factors led to the decline the 20th Century? (10mks)

18 a) State five challenges faced by modern urban centres in Africa.
b) Discuss the impact of Agrarian and Industrial Development in the world. (10mks)

19 a) What methods were used by European powers to acquire colonies in Africa? (5mks)
b) Discuss the causes of the maji maji rebellion. (10mks)

Answer any three questions in this section.

20.a) Identify five reasons for the Lozi collaboration with the British. (5mks)
b) Discuss the effects of the Lozi collaboration. (10mks)

21 a) State five effects of direct rule in Zimbabwe. (5mks)
b) Give reasons leading to failure of Assimilation policy in Senegal. (10mks)

22. a) Give five achievements of the League of Nations between 1919- 1939. (5mks)
b) Why did the League of Nations fail to maintain world peace?

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