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Introduction To Philosophy Question Paper

Introduction To Philosophy 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. Distinguish between the academic and the general sense of philosophy (5 marks)
2. Using examples, state and critique ethical egoism( 5 marks)
3. Explain the etymological origins of the term ‘metaphysics’. (5 marks)
4. Outline and evaluate what it means to say that God is both Immanent and
transcendent (5 marks)
5. On Friday, September 16,2011 President Mwai Kibaki signed into law the Price
Control Act 2011. Write a reflection/credo (discussing and analyzing) on how this
move will affect Kenya’s economy. (10 marks)
6. Imagine that in a discussion with a potential employer, he remarks that he knows
what professionals like lawyers, engineers, accountants, psychologists,
archaeologists do, but does not know what philosophers do.what would be your
response? (10 marks)
7. African Philosophy has been based on proverbs among other genres. Name five
African proverbs, from five different African countries, and discuss their
importance. (10 marks)
8. Discuss Egyptology as a response to western discourse on Africa. (10 marks)
9. Using the various arguments advanced in the free will/determinism debate evaluate
the reasoning underlying the following quotation: “ The rehabilitation concept and
practice of punishment is misguided since by punishing an offender, one is dealing
with the effect rather than the cause: the offender is a result(effect) of the
cultural, historical, social, and economic conditions in which he/she lives. If
one wants to rehabilitate the offender then one should focus on the cause-
cultural, historical, social, and economic conditions” (20 marks)
10. Imagine that you have a friend who is leading a very reckless and carefree
lifestyle. Nevertheless he professes to be a Christian, and his justification for
his actions being that he is fulfilling the plans of God had for him. How would
you go about to convince your friend that he is responsible for his own actions
and behavior and not God. (20 marks)
11. Discuss and critique the four trends of African Philosophy. (20 marks)
12. Critically compare and contrast the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle stating in
your judgment who is more persuasive to you. (20 marks)

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