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Information System (Excel) Question Paper

Information System (Excel) 

Course:Database Application

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2012


DIS 102: October 2012

Personal Budget
Using Microsoft Excel, create a six-month personal budget with a minimum of six categories per month to reflect how you spent your monthly income. Your monthly income shall be Ksh.45, 000.00. One of your categories must be Savings.

1.Open Microsoft Excel, from sheet tab in Page Setup, turn on Gridlines

2.In cell Al, type the title: Personal Budget

3.Select cells Al – H1 and click the Merge & Centre icon, make your title to be font 16.

4.In cells A3 – A8, list your six expense categories starting with Savings.

5.In cells B2 – G2, list the current month and the five months following.

6.Click on the “A” column header and make the selected text bold.

7.Click on the row “2” header and make the selected text bold.

8.In cells H2 and A9, type: Total:

9.Create formulas to total the rows and columns.

10.Click on cell H3 and use the Sum formula to total the row.

11.Click on cell B9 and use the Sum formula to total the column.

12.Now fill in the middle cells representing your expense in each category for each month. Make sure that your total monthly expenditure equals exactly to Ksh.45,000.00.

13.Use text and cell formatting options to make your ledger look cool.

14.Use the above information to come up with a pie chart of your own choice, take Categories against Total of categories.

15.In your pie chart show the value.

16.Do NOT exceed one page.

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