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Form 1 Chemistry Question Paper

Form 1 Chemistry 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

NAME:……………………………………… ………………ADMNO:………………..CLASS:……….…..
Q1. A piece of white cloth was found to be stained with used oil. State and explain how the stain could be removed. (2mks)
Q2. A mixture of copper of copper oxide and magnesium powder reacts when heated, while that of copper and magnesium oxide does not. Explain. (2mks)
Q3. Air is passed through several reagents as shown below.
Step I Step II Step III

Gaseous mixture y

a) What is the role of;
i) Concentrated potassium hydroxide in the scheme. (1mk)
ii) Excess heated copper(II) turnings. (1mk)
b) State any two gases present in the gaseous mixture y. (2mks)
Q4. In an experiment a student is required to measure exactly 25cm3 of a liquid. State any two apparatus the students can use. (2mks)
Q5. The PH values of some solutions are given below
PH 14.0 1.0 8.0 6.5 7.0
Solution M L N P Z
a) Identify;
i) The solution with the lowest concentration of hydrogen ions. Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
ii) The solution that would be found stored in dark bottles in the laboratory. Explain. (2mks)
b) Which solution would be used as anti acid for treating stomach upset? Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
Q6. In a laboratory experiment, hydrogen gas was passed over heated copper (II) oxide as shown in the diagram below.

a) Describe chemical test that can be used to identify the product E. (2mks)
b) Which oxide CANNOT be used in the place of copper (II) oxide in the above experiment? Explain. (2mks)
c) State any two observations that would be made in the combustions tube. (2mks)

Q7. A mixture consists of sodium chloride, ammonium chloride and iron fillings. Briefly describe how you can obtain a pure sample of each substance from mixture. (3mks)
Q8. On their tour to Nairobi, Form one students of Takaba Boys’ observed that the roof tops of houses within Thika town and its environments appeared more corroded compared to those in Takaba and other parts of the country they passed on the way. Account for this observations. (3mks)
Q9. The table below gives some properties of gases A, B and C.
Gas Solubility and density Method of collection
A Lighter than air
B Denser than air
C Soluble in water and less denser than air

Complete the table, showing how each of these gases can be collected in the laboratory. (4mks)
Q10. a) name the two main two gases found in air and give their approximate percentage in air (2mks)
b) from the following list of gas “oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon II oxide, carbon IV oxide” select;
i) one gas which is not likely too be found in air (1mk)
ii) two gases which when chemically combined form water vapour (2mks)
c) arrange the following metals in order of their reactivity series starting with the least reactive. “ iron, zinc, lead, aluminium, magnesium and copper”. (2mks)

d) state four sources of water (4mks)
e) explain using a diagram how oxygen is prepared in the lab (7mks)

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