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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2006


Answer all questions in the spaces provided
1.Highlight four services offered by the local activities in Kenya.(4 marks)




2.State four roles of commercial attaches in promoting trade between Kenya and her partners in trade. (4 marks)



3.Highlight four sources of a business idea.(4 marks)




4.Highlight four factors to consider when choosing an appropriate means of transporting goods. (4 marks)




5.Owori wants to buy an electric cooker on Hire purchase. Outline four reasons that would convince him to save money enough to enable him buy on cash instead.(4 marks)




6.Outline four factors to consider when giving credit.(4 marks)




7.Outline four differences between a memorandum of association and the articles of association. (4 marks)

8.What four emerging trends are being observed in the communication sector in Kenya?(4 marks)




9.What four reasons would you site for a wholesaler to have his private warehouse.(4 marks)

10.Outline four factors that determine the amount of premium in an insurance policy.(4 marks)




11.Highlight four personal attributes of an office worker.(4 marks)




12.Services are intangible activities that offer – want satisfaction. In light with this statement identify four services available in your local area.(4 marks)




13.Outline four benefits that a business can obtain from its environment.(4 marks)




14.State four functions of a consignment note in business.(4 marks)




15.Highlight four characteristics of insurable risks.(4 marks)




16.What four factors would influence occupational mobility of labour.(4 marks)




17.State four conditions of a properly drawn bill of exchange.(4 marks)




18.Under what four circumstances would a buyer return goods to the supplier?(4 marks)




19.State four services that a retailer would do to consumers.(4 marks)




20.Briefly state the duties performed by each of the following office staff. (4 marks)
(a)The manager

(b) The company secretary

(c)The accountant

(d)The office messenger

21.State four problems that a small trader may encounter when operating a business.(4 marks)




22.On your way to Mawezi you encounter Oprah and Zahra arguing about how governments regulate business activities. As an enlightened business student, state four ways through which the government attains this goal.(4 marks)




23.State four features of effective communication.(4 marks)




24.Give four reasons for the popularity of public limited companies.(4 marks)




25.List four parties to which a business is expected to be socially responsible.(4 marks)




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