Agriculture Form Four Question Paper
Agriculture Form Four
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2008
Name ........................................................................................Adm No......................Class .....................
CAT 1 TERM 1 2008
Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided.
Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
This paper consists of three sections : A B and C.
Answer all the questions in sections A and B and C.
Answer two questions from section C.
Answers to all questions must be written in this booklet.
For examiners use only
Section Questions Maximum
Score Candidate’s
1 - 17
18 - 20
Total Score
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
SECTION A ( 30 Marks )
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Give two reasons for using litter in a poultry house. ( 1 Mark )
2. Name two diseases of poultry that are controlled by vaccination. ( 1 Mark )
3. State two factors that could lead to failure to conceive in sows after service. ( 2 Marks )
4. Give two causes of scouring in calves. ( 2 Marks )
5. State three factors that would determine the amount of concentrate fed to dairy cattle.
( 1 ½ Marks )
6. Give three ways of stimulating milk let-down in a dairy cow. ( 1 ½ Marks )
7. State two reasons for dehorning cattle. ( 1 Mark )
8. List two equipment used in handling cattle during an agricultural exhibition. ( 2 Marks )
9. State three signs of anthrax infection disease observed in carcass of cattle. ( 1 ½ Marks )
10. Give three effects of external parasites that are harmful to livestock. ( 1 ½ Marks )
11. State four factors to consider when siting a fish pond. ( 2 Marks )
12. a) Name four breeds of dairy goats. ( 2 Marks )
b) Mention two distinguishing characteristics of the Bactrian camel breed. ( 2 Marks )
13. State five methods of maintaining good health in livestock. ( 2 ½ marks )
14. State three maintenance practices that should be carried out on a feed trough.
( 1 ½ marks )
15. List three types of calf pens. ( 3 Marks )
16. State four conditions that would encourage hens to eat eggs in poultry production.
( 2 Marks )
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
17. The diagrams labeled A and B below show the teeth arrangements in hand workshop tools.
a) Identify the tools represented with by the teeth arrangements A and B. ( 2 Marks )
b) State one functional difference between tools represented by the teeth arrangements and A and B. ( 2 Marks )
A ................................................................................................................................................
B ................................................................................................................................................
c) Give two maintenance practices for the tools represented by the teeth arrangements shown above. ( 2 Marks )
18. The diagram below illustrates a method of identification in livestock production. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
i) Name the type of identification illustrated above. ( 1 Mark )
ii) Give the identification number of the animals illustrate in diagram above. ( 1 Mark )
iii) Using diagrams illustrated how you can identify animals Nos 24 and 36 using above methods. ( 4 Marks )
Animal No. 24.
Animal No. 36
b) If a sow was successfully served on 27th September, 2006, state the date she is likely to have farrowed. ( 1 Mark )
19. The diagram below shows a type of a farm gate. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
a) Identify the type of gate shown. ( 1 Mark )
b) Name the parts labeled C, D and E. ( 3 Marks )
C .............................................................................................................................................................
D .............................................................................................................................................................
E .............................................................................................................................................................
c) i) State one function of the part labeled F. ( 1 Mark )
F ..................................................................................................................................................
ii) State two functions of the gate illustrated above. ( 2 Marks )
Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided after question 21.
20. a) Describe the advantages of the battery system of rearing layers. ( 10 Marks )
b) Outline the factors to consider when selecting livestock for breeding. ( 10 marks )
21. a) Name and describe the features of an ideal calf pen. ( 9 Marks )
b) Discuss pneumonia in calves under the following sub-headings:
i) predisposing factors. ( 3 Marks )
ii) symptoms ( 5 Marks )
iii) Control measures ( 3 Marks )
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