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Physics Paper 3 Question Paper

Physics Paper 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………… adm No……………………………………


November 2012

Time: 2 ½ HOURS



? Write your name, index number, school, date of examination and sign in the spaces provided
? Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided in the question paper
? You are supposed to spend the first 15 minutes of the 2 ½ hours allowed for this paper reading the whole paper carefully before commencing your work
? Marks are given for a clear record of the observations actually made, their suitability, accuracy and the use made of them
? Candidates are advised to record their observations as soon as they are made
? Non – programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC mathematical tables may be used except where stated otherwise

For Examiners use only:
b (iii) c (i) c (ii) c (iii) TOTAL
Maximum score 10 5 1 3
Candidates score
d e f g (i) g (ii) h TOTAL
Maximum score 8 5 2 2 2 1
Candidates score


You are provided with the following apparatus
? Two retort stands
? Two clamps
? Two bosses
? Inextensible thread (about 120cm long)
? One 50g mass
? One stop watch
Proceed as follows
(a) (i) Set up the apparatus as shown in the figure 1 below

Fig. 1
(ii) Attach the ends of the thread to the metre rule and fasten the loops tightly so that the distance between the loop d = 80cm
(iii) Tie the mass with a thread about 10cm long. Fasten the mass at the centre of the thread on the rule such that the length of the pendulum from the point of suspension is 5cm as shown in the figure 1 above
(b) (i) Measure angle 2
(ii) Give the mass a slight displacement towards you and release it to swing freely. The mass should oscillate perpendicular to the plane of the metre rule. Time 20 oscillations
(iii) Repeat procedure b(i) and (ii) for different values of d in the table and complete table 1 below(10 marks)
d (cm) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
2 0


Cos 0

Time for 20 oscillations
Periodic time T (s)
T2 (s2)

(c) (i) Plot a graph of T2 against cos (5 marks)
(ii) Determine the slope S (3 marks)
(iii) Determine A, the value of T2 when cos = 0
A = ………………………. (S2) (1 mark)
(iv) Given that A is given by
Find the value of K (1 mark)
2. You are provided with the following
? A candle
? A metre rule
? A white screen labeled S
? A lens labeled L, mounted on a lens holder
? Cross – wire mounted on a cardboard
? A match box
? Plasticine

Proceed as follows:
(a) Place a metre rule on a bench and hold it in position using plasticine. Arrange the screen S, the lens L and cross wire along the metre rule as shown in figure 2. The cross – wire should be placed next to the zero mark of the metre rule as shown in the figure. The distance between cross – wire and lens is labeled U and the distance between the lens and screen is labeled V

Fig. 2
(b) Light the candle and place it next to the cross – wires such that the flame is at the same level with cross – wires
(c) Adjust the position of the lens so that U = 15cm. Now adjust the position of the screen S until a sharply focused image of the cross – wire is obtained on S. Record the value of V in the table below.
(d) Repeat the procedure in (c) above for other values of U in table 2 and complete the table
(8 marks)
Table 2
U (cm) V (cm) (U+V) cm

(e) On the grid provided below plot a graph of (U+V) on the y – axis against V (5 marks)

(f) From the graph determine the values of V and U+V for which the graph has a minimum value
V minimum, Vm = ……………………………………………. (cm) (1 mark)
(U+V) minimum, (U+V)m …………………………………….(cm) (1 mark)
(g) (i) Calculate the values of h1, and h2 from the equations below (2 mars) = ………………………………. cm
= ……………………………. (cm)
(ii) Determine h, the average of h1 and h2
h = ………………………….. (m) (2 marks)
(h) Using the graph determine V when U+V = 49.8cm (1 mark)

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