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Business Studies  Question Paper

Business Studies  

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2007


FORM 2 CAT 1 TERM 1 2007

Answer all questions in the spaces provided

1.Outline FOUR advantages of specialization and division of labour.(4 marks)

2.State FOUR benefits that people from your area may derive from business enterprises.(4 marks)

3.Highlight FOUR characteristics of an entrepreneur.(4 marks)

4.Highlight briefly FOUR conditions that are responsible for the growth of trade between individuals , regions and countries.(4 marks)

5.Differentiate the following terms as used in business studies.(4 marks)
(i) Wholesaling and retailing.

(ii) Subordinate and junior staff.

6.Match the following description with the right type of wholesaler.(4 marks)
Description Type of wholesaler
They deal in many lines of products
Offer services to certain parts of the country only
They buy and leave goods with the manufacturers as they look for market
Distribute their products to all parts of a country.

7.State FOUR services that consumers get from wholesalers.(4 marks)

8.List FOUR types of mobility of factors of production.(4 marks)

9.Outline FOUR characteristics of labour.(4 marks)

10.Outline FOUR differences between departmental stores and chain stores.(4 marks)

11.List FOUR characteristics of services.(4marks)

12.Outline FOUR disadvantages of Hire purchase.(4 marks)

13.Mr Munoko is the manager of the purchasing department of XY company Ltd. What are some of his duties.(4 marks)

14.Outline FOUR factors to consider when giving credit.(4 marks)

15.Highlight FOUR advantages of using a cheque for payment.(4 marks)

16.Kenya relies more on primary level of production. State any FOUR reasons for this.(4 marks)

17.List FOUR common departments found in an organization.(4 marks)

18.Outline FOUR personal attributes of an office worker.(4 marks)

19.Giving relevant examples, distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources.(4 marks)
(a) Renewable resources.

(b) Non- renewable resources

20.State FOUR conditions of properly drawing bill of exchange.(4 marks)

21.Outline FOUR benefits that a business can obtain from its environment.( 4marks)

22.Highlight FOUR functions of a consignment note in business.(4 marks)

23.Outline FOUR advantages of using a franking machine in an organisation.(4 marks)

24.List FOUR groups of trade credit.(4 marks)

25.State FOUR reasons for returning goods to suppliers.(4 marks)

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