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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2007



• Answer all questions in the spaces provided

1.State FOUR categories of business activities. (4 marks)

2.Outline FOUR forces that are found in the immediate environment of a business.(4 marks)

3.Why is it important to satisfy basic wants before secondary wants.(4 marks)

4.Highlight FOUR characteristics of a good.(4 marks)

5.State FOUR types of utility.(4 marks)

6.State FOUR factors influencing mobility of factors of production.(4 marks)

7.Highlight FOUR factors that may inhibit entrepreneurial development.(4 marks)

8.What is the role of Ethics in business?.(4 marks)

9.In making choice of the best way to use economic resources, society faces economic problems. State FOUR basic economic questions raised in this regard.(4 marks)

10.Outline FOUR qualities of a good manager.(4 marks)

11.In what FOUR ways is indirect production superior to direct production?(4 marks)

12.Wekesa and Mwangi are business competitors.
Highlight any FOUR types of information that Mwangi is required to get form Wekesa. (4 marks)

13.Nasimiyu started a wholesaling business and after FOUR months, it failed.
Highlight some of the factors that could have led to the failure. (4 marks)

14.Highlight FOUR advantages of an open office plan.(4 marks)

15.Explain FOUR principles of cooperatives.(4 marks)

16.Highlight FOUR advantages of running a sole proprietorship.(4 marks)

17.State FOUR characteristics of a limited partnership.(4 marks)

18.Highlight any FOUR circumstances under which a partnership may be dissolved.(4 marks)

19.Name two activities in the following nature of activities.(4 marks)

(b)Direct services

20. State the documents used for the following functions. (4 marks)
(a) To find out whether a certain supplier stocks certain goods……………………………..
(b) To request a supplier to provide particular goods to a customer ………………………..
(c) To inform a buyer that his account has been reduced by a certain amount of money

(d) To describe goods that have been sold to a buyer on credit

21. State the term given to the following activities. (4 marks)
Activities Term
(a) Designing the work of each employee at each level
(b) Assigning part of the managers’ job to a junior employee
(c) Making different things relate and work properly
(d) Evaluating of the performance of an employee and then a warding him/her according

22.Highlight FOUR ways in which spread of pollution can be reduced in the business environment. (4 marks)

23.Explain using FOUR points how the Indian ocean contributes to the welfare of the Kenyan economy. (4 marks)

24.Highlight FOUR factors that should be considered before machines are introduced in an organization. (4 marks)

25.Under what circumstances will a seller require a buyer to pay cash with order (C.W.O) (4 marks)

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