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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2006

CAT 3 TERM 2 2006

Answer all questions in the spaces provided below each question

1. Highlight four problems faced by consumers in their attempt to satisfy their wants. (4 marks)

2. State four characteristic of an entrepreneur. (4 marks)

3. Highlight five factors that hinder exploitation of natural resources in Kenya. (5 marks)

4. State five reasons why direct production is not encouraged in Kenya. (5 marks)

5. Why is occupational mobility of skilled labour how? (5 marks)

6. Highlight four ways which managers may use to motivate their employees. (4 marks)

7. State any four internal factors that influence the performance of a business. (4 marks)

8. Explain any four essentials of a good control system in business management. (4 marks)

9. Describe three ways in which Ethical issues in business are supposed to be looked at. (3 marks)

10. Highlight four features of a sole proprietor ship. (4 marks)

11. Kimilili producer cooperative society was formed 2005. On 1st January 2006 it was dissolved. Explain any four reasons that could have led to the dissolution. (4 marks)

12. Give four main differences between the memorandum of association and Articles of association. (4 marks)
Memo Article of association

13. Highlight any four important factors that should be considered in office layout. (4 marks)

14. Outline four factors that may make it necessary to acquire office machine. (4 marks)

15. Describe any five features of small scale retailers. (5 marks)

16. Account for the rapid growth of savings and credit co-operative societies in Kenya. (5 marks)

17. Differentiate between a public and a private company. (5 marks)
Public company Private company

18. Highlight three types of relations that a cooperative has with its members. (3 marks)

19. State four main differences between an ordinary share and a preference share. (4 marks)
Ordinary Preferences

20. Why would one prefer buying goods in a supermarket than in a single shop. (3 marks)

21. Indicate the source the following documents as whether from the seller or the buy. (3 marks)
Document Source
(i) A quotation
(ii) Delivery note
(iii) Debit note
(iv) Damage/return note
(v) Letter of inquiry
(vi) Pro-forma invoice

22. State three ways which a buyer can use when making an order. (3 marks)

23. Under what circumstances would a seller issue a credit note to the buyer. (4 marks)

24. John bought goods from a wholesaler at atotal price of Ksh. 20,00 1.5.2004. The terms of payment were as follows:- 5% trade discount cash discount of 3% in 7 days, 2% in 15 days and 1% in 35 days. If he paid the goods on 20.5.2004 how much did he pay? (4 marks)

25. Highlight any three reasons that may lead to dissolution of partnership by court order (Judicial decree). (3 marks)

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