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History Revision Questions Question Paper

History Revision Questions 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2007




1a.) Define the terms “ History” and “ Government”
b) Discuss the importance of studying History and Government.

2a) Give example of communities that Constitute Eastern Bantu.
b) State factors that led to the migration of Eastern Bantu into Kenya up to the 19th century.
c) Describe the migration and settlement the Eastern Bantu into Kenya up to the 19th Century.
d) What were the results of the migration and settlement of the Eastern Bantu into Kenya up to 19th Century.

3a) Name the Communities that fall under the Plain Nilotes.
b) What are the communities that constitute the Highland Nilotes.
c)Name four groups of the River Lake Niltotes.
d) Describe the migration and settlement of the River-lake Niltotes, the plain Nilotes and the Highland Nilotes. ( Note : Pay attention to particular communities in such language group.
e) What were the results of the migration and settlement of the Nilotes into Kenya up to the 19th Century.

4 a) Identify the origin and name the early visitors to the East African Coast up to 1500.
b) Discuss the factors that favoured the development of the trade between the East African Coast and of trade outside world up to 1500.
c) Discuss the organization of the trade between the East African Coast and the outside world. ( Take Note of the Main imports and Exports).
d) Discuss the effects of the contacts between the East African Coast and the outside world upto 1500.

5.a) Give reasons for the coming of the Portuguese.
b) Describe the Portuguese Conquest of the East African Coast.
c) State the importance of fort Jesus.
d) State factors that enabled the Portuguese to conquer the East African Coast.
e) What were the duties of the Portuguese Captains at the East African Coast.
f) Explain the problems experienced by the Portuguese Captains at the East African Coast.
g) Give the factors for the East decline of the Portuguese rule at the East African Coast.
h) Explain the effects of the Portuguese rule up to 1700 ( highlight both positive and Negative effects).

6a) Describe the establishment of the Oman rule at the East African Coast.
b) State the problems that were experienced by the I man of Oman ( Ibn Sultan ) during the establishment of the Oman rule at the East African Coast.
c) Name Four Oman Arab families that struggled for the Control of the East African Coast.
d) Give reasons why Seyyid Said made Zanzibar his Capital City.
e) What factors led to the development of Plantation Agriculture at the East African coast during the reign of Seyyid Said.
f) Explain the Impact of Plantation Agriculture along the Coast of East Africa.
g) How did the plantain Agriculture promote slave trade in East Africa.
h) Give reasons why the humanitarian British Parliamentarians Campaigned for the abolition of Slave trade.
i) Name three treaties that were signed between the British and the Coastal rulers to end slave trade and slavery along the East African Coast.
k) Discuss the effects of establishment of Oman rule along the East African Coast.

7 a) Give reasons why the Akamba participated in long distance trade.
b) Describe the organization of the long distance trade.
c) Explain why the Akamba trade declined.
d) What were the effects of slave trade on Africans ?
e) Explain the effects of long-distance trade during the 19th Century.

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