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Class 7 Cre First Trial 2012 Question Paper

Class 7 Cre First Trial 2012 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012


61. Why we do say that man is special from all the other beings?
A. He walks on two limbs
B. He has brains
C. He is created in the image and likeness of God
D. He was created last.

62. How many books are accepted by Christians to be used for the teaching in the Old Testament?
A. Thirty nine
B. Twenty seven
C. Forty eight
D. Sixty six

63. The son of King Saul who helped David when his father wanted to kill him was:-
A. Mephiboseth
B. Jonathan
C. Absalom
D. Solomon

64. Who among the following is NOT a member of the clergy?
A. Major
B. Priest
C. Catechist
D. Bishop

65. Who among the following was a Ugandan matyr?
A. Milton Obote
B. Iddi Amin
C. Yoweri Museveni
D. Charles Wanga

66. All the following were the talents of David EXCEPT that he was?
A. a good musician
B. a good player of a lyre
C. a good carver of wood
D. an eloquent speaker

67. Which of the following is the BEST way to overcome our fears?
A. Reading and thinking about the word of God
B. Living near a pastor who can pray for us
C. Running away from the things that make us fear
D. Building our houses near a police station

68. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Christianity and employment. Christians should:-
A. only work in the church
B. work with sincere heart
C. not work for non Christians
D. not to respect those employers who mistreat them

69. Who among the following was named Israel at a place called Peniel?
A. Jacob
B. Abraham
C. Esau
D. Moses

70. Akuku is very happy with way he looks. He respect himself very much. Akuku shows:-
A. creativity
B. responsibility
C. self esteem
D. commitment

71. On the night that Jesus was born angels appeared to:-
A. sheperds
B. wisemen
C. Herod
D. the sadducees

72. What do Christians hope for?
A. to go to hell
B. to live in heaven forever
C. to be the richest people in the world
D. to kill all those who refuse to become Christians

73. The MAIN teaching on the sermon on the mountain was on:-
A. the light to the world
B. the happiest people
C. the values to Christian living
D. the peace makers

74. Behaviour that is free from wrong doing especially in several matters is referred to as:-
A. meditation
B. holinesss
C. humility
D. fasting

75. Which one of the following is a gift of the holy spirit?
A. Healing
B. Self control
C. Patience
D. Faithfulness

76. Who among the following walked on water?
A. Peter
B. James
C. John
D. Daniel
77. _ hospital is not a mission hospital
A. Mukumu
B. Kaplong
C. Tenwek
D. Nairobi

78. ‘I can face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me ’ is found in which book?
A. Philipians
B. 1 Timothy
C. Titus
D. 2 Corinthians
79. Which of the following is NOT true about authority?

A. Those in authority have power to punish wrong doing
B. Authority comes from God
C. Authority brings peace and order in the society
D. Christians should not listen to politians

80. Why are people born with disabilities?
A. Their parents sinned
B. They are cursed
C. God has allowed it
D. They are sinners

81. Obedience can be described as:-
A. giving honours to others
B. telling the truth
C. coming up with new ideas
D. following the instructions we have been given

82. Which of the following describes suffering for a purpose?
A. Being punished by the teacher for rudeness
B. People are laughing at you for being a Christians
C. Getting hurt while fighting to make others Christians
D. Being punished for stealing

83. Who among the following disciples was a tax collector?
A. Levi
B. Philip
C. Thomas
D. Peter

84. Jesus taught his disciples that ‘happy are those who are humble for they will:-
A. obtain mercy
B. receive Gods promises
C. know God
D. be satisfied

85. Who among the following prophets prophesied about the birth of Jesus?
A. Elijah
B. Isaiah
C. Nathan
D. Jeremiah

86. One of the following is NOT an activity during harambee youth week. Which one is it?
A. cleaning the forests to get rid of lions
B. engaging in sporting activities
C. cleaning the surroundings
D. visiting the sick

87. The early missionaries the following EXCEPT?
A. preaching
B. wrote books
C. taught computer skills
D. taught how to read and write

88. Your uncle has been called by the chief to attend a land case between him and a neighbour. What would you advise him to do?
A. Ignore the case
B. Attend to the case
C. Run away from home
D. Fight the neighbour

89. Which one of the following practices did the missionaries oppose?
A. Farming
B. Mining
C. Female circumcision
D. Hunting

90. The BEST way through which a Christian can use his strength is by:-
A. fighting those who abuse him
B. forcing the weak ones to serve him
C. knocking others down in a football game
D. protecting the vulnerable in the society

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